Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday - Dahlia Hill

The day I took these photos, it was super windy,had just rained and a big storm was brewing, so I didn't get very many taken. But I like the way they turned out. If you look closely, you can see the raindrops on each of the flowers. The temperature will soon be dropping below freezing, so this is likely the last of the summer dahlias.

One of the nice things about having children is they stretch you to become interested in their interests. All three of my children are interested in photography, hence I have started learning more about it myself.


Jorgelina said...

Happy pink saturday!!!

Sarah said...

These dahlias are stunning. I read what you said about your children stretching you to be interested in their interests. Well, your photography is amazing. I'd like to improve my skills with a camera. Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment on Hyacinth for the Soul. Hope to see you again. ~ Sarah

♥Mimi♥ said...

The dahlias are spectacular! Soul food - that's for sure1