Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Loneliness Art Journal Page - Book of Days

Here is my latest Book of Days entry. You know loneliness is often felt most keenly during Christmas.

This is a new type of journal page for me - different background, use of silhouette and a handwritten quote. It's good to stretch once in a while.


Jennibellie said...

This is a lovely page, but I'm sorry you're feeling sad =( I still wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you have a lovely time, much love Jennibellie xx

Micki said...

Tricia, you made my day with your sweet, sweet comment on my blog. Tonight I'm coming back for a more indepth look but from what I saw so far, your pages are awesome. This one immediately spoke to me..... because I totally know what you mean. Sadly, it is always around the holidays that I feel lonely and homesick for Germany and that way of life. So as you can understand, this page touched me immediately.