Friday, May 15, 2009

What Happens When A Fairy Tale Falls Down the Stairs - It Fractures

Here are three of the three beautiful stars of the play from last night. From left to right - Evil Queen, Fairy Odd mother (oops God Mother) and Rupunzel. The play was a group effort between our high school co-op and our sibling co-op. The high schoolers, wrote and did the majority of the production of the play, and had some of the parts in the play, while the elementary students made up the remainder of the cast. It really turned out so well. It is amazing what a group of motivated homeschoolers can do with a little ingenuity and almost no money or supplies and a boatload of talent and energy. Four directors from the Center for the Arts were invited to watch and critique and they had soooo many postitive comments for the cast. It was very uplifting and rewarding and the cast all to a person want to do another play soon. It was a lot of work, but a great way to end our co-op year. Below Fairy Godmother chats with "Grumpy".

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